Its a good book - have read it - but it doesn't confirm your thesis about Taliban being ''Islamic saviours'' - they are still little better than mindless beasts. I agree with the book by the way - the mindless descriptions about AQ and the Taliban in the Western media of them being ''against freedom'' - and the whole ''Why do they hate us'' rhetoric of the likes of Bernard Lewis was absolute tosh. A good book to read is ''Why do People Hate America?''. The book you cite is great but it does not in any way shape or form confirm your thesis. See this review of the book: I don't see how you can cite this book in support of your thesis - it perhaps indicates to me you have not read the book closely enough. Let me put it to you like this - most of the Ummah agree US foreign policy is bad - from Ikhwanis, to liberals, to reformists and to Deobandis - there is actually a rare consensus amongst the Muslims that US foreign policy is harmful, bad and counterproductive. What there is disagreement on is how to counter this? I take the view of the Ikhwan, AKP and other moderate movements, ulema, thinkers and intellectuals who say we must make Muslim countries strong, by working hard. The Taliban and AQ believe in a dangerous and foolish strategy - their methods are simply barbaric because in the process they are destroying Islam. And any Ulema that you cite in support of the Taliban and AQ please name them so I can make sure never to listen to them again and to advise others not to listen to them. These so-called ''Ulema'' should be ashamed of themselves are most likely to be Mullahs who gain from the suffering from others - I have absolutely no respect for them and alhamdullilah most of the Ummah does not either. There should be a black-list of Ulema that support the Taliban - please pass me on the names so I can advise those around me not to listen to such rubbish.