No brother - my point is that if you think there is Sharia somewhere in the world being beautifully implemented then go there. I will criticise the Taliban all I like and so will others because I would hate to live in a society dominated by their rule - thus similarly if someone supports the Taliban (in terms of their ideology by holding them up as an example) then I will ask why don't you live with them. If people offer a contextualised, nuanced and historical account of the Taliban - I have no problems - but if you hold them up as an example then expect people to respond back. And by the way the Ikhwanis had it bad because they had an Army that opposed them consistently for many decades. Don't get me wrong - I see the Taliban as an historical relic, a movement that is pretty much a product of its times and environment - what gets me is when people claim the Taliban are having a righteous Islamic regime when in actual fact its little better than a tribal mafia. The Taliban are just a tribal brigands who tried to make the best of their situation - nothing less nothing more. They have nothing absolutely nothing to offer to the Ummah - but on the other hand the Ikhwanis do have a vision for the Ummah.