Brother - my point is simple - I'm taking about the context of having a methodology for Muslim success in the 21st century - the Taliban do not have it but the Ikhwanis do. Simple matter of fact. Afghanistan was a backward country during Taliban rule and it remains after it and before it. Brother I do not know why you bring up the ''minority opinion'' issue -since I already explained to you the difference by citing the difference between ibadat (worship, acts of individual devotion) and political policy. That is the distinction I hold. I agree this much -the Taliban did make an improvement to Afghanistan but that doesn't mean a lot since their predecessors were even bigger barbarians then they were. Why on earth should the Ummah look to a failed state such as Afghanistan or Pakistan for a successful methodology for the 21st century when we have the Ikhwanis, Turkey, Malaysia or Indonesia? By the way all these countries never claim perfection but they are all working hard and have been doing so for many decades.