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Old 07-16-2012, 10:48 PM   #34

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Brother all that you have said in your last two posts I agree with your main points. I just do not think we can call the Taliban ''Islamic'' or something worthy of emulation or religious admiration. They have done the best they can with their tribal circumstances and they themselves are a result of tribal culture which still does not exempt them from barbarism. I do not buy into anthropolgical relativism.
Really? Unislamic? Subhanallah. Egypt & Tunisia & Libya (etc - soon) have adopted secular democracy this year 2012. Is that Islamic? They will never ever adopt Islamic shariah through democracy. Just like Hamas. Never. Its like saying you can get hasana from good deeds by robbing banks & shopkeepers & using the money to build orphanages & masjids.

Islam will not return while you let pimps, prostitutes, drug pushers, addicts, atheists & christians (e.g. Egyptian copts) decide whether Islamic Shariah is acceptable for a muslim country. And ulema are under the misguided impression this will please Allah?

Egypt, Libya & Tunisia (and others soon?) have not 'won' anything. Like when you jump off a cliff, all seems quite surreal when you're only halfway down.
Mangoman is offline


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