The Partition of India in 1947 : To whose benefit ? Bankers or the Indians ?
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08-15-2012, 09:42 PM
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Oct 2005
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Divide and rule is very old. Bankers prefer two neighbours who have a conflict instead of peaceful relations, and if a conflict can be manufactured by splitting a land in two it is even better. Conflicts between countries will ensure that both sides will buy and develop expensive weapons, they will borrow money for this and the banker can give both sides the loans that they need,sit back and watch them fight it out.
Search for a guy called Basil Zaharoff, in WWI he owned arms manufacturing companies on both sides Germany and Britain, he profited from war where millions of young men died in the trenches...their young lives destroyed. These people do not care and governments will on both sides will talk their young people into going to war.
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