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Old 09-15-2011, 09:25 AM   #13

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The American poet Ezra Pound divided banks into two classes: the banks from hell that practice usury and create nightmares for nations, and the banks from paradise that don’t practice usury but instead lend money so business can function normally and great art can be created. Pound said:

“Two kinds of banks have existed: THE MONTE DEI PASCHI and the devils.

Banks built for beneficence, for reconstruction; and banks created to prey on the people.” (Pound: Selected Prose; Pg. 270).

The Monte dei Paschi di Siena, the world’s longest surviving bank, was created in 1472 by the Magistrates of the Republic of Siena and it disallowed the practice of usury. It is now commonly understood in the age of the Second Western Enlightenment that usury is a tax on the people, government and business which is collected by rotten private bankers who control private central banks and create money out of nothing.

Pound said that the monopoly of credit was the base of all other monopolist operations that sink nations and deprive people of wealth, writing:

“The various monopolies which culminate in the monopoly of money itself, key to all the other monopolies were, and are, monopolies of exploiters.” (Pound: Selected Prose; Pg. 176).

What the treacherous bankers in London and New York are after is not money, but the political monopoly over history and humanity. Their great passion is power, and their greatest instrument of warfare is debt.

When bombs fall on nations the people can hear and see they are at war and demand revenge against the perpetrators of the violence. But when debt is used against a nation, the bought off politicians are silent and it takes generations before the people wake from their sleep.

* A d v e r t i s e m e n t

America was conquered by this soundless weapon called debt after the sneaky enemy seized America’s financial sovereignty in 1913. The bankers overthrew the constitutional banking system that the Founding Fathers established after the victory over the British Empire and replaced it with the ultimate bank from hell, the private Federal Reserve bank.

Pound said the banks from hell are leeches and predators that treat human beings as bodies of blood to be used up and sucked off. He wrote:

“The hell banks have, from as far as the record takes us, started as gangs of creditors, associated to strangle the last ounce of profit out of their debtors.” (Pound: Selected Prose; Pg. 270).

Other poets also cast usurious bankers in the same dark light and compare the banker to the devil. German poet Goethe distrusted the use of paper money. In his book, Scientific Studies, he said:

“But there are different sorts of money: gold, silver, and copper coins, or paper money. The coins are real to a degree; the paper money is only convention.” (Goethe: Scientific Studies. Suhrkamp Publishers. 1988. New York. Edited and Translated by Douglas Miller. Pg. 26).

Douglas Miller, the editor and English translator of Goethe’s Scientific Studies, wrote:

“Goethe’s negative views on paper money are reflected in Part II of Faust where Mephistopheles persuades the Emperor to introduce paper money based on the value of an undiscovered buried treasure. This plan later proves ruinous for the empire.” (Pg. 322).

Goethe made Mephistopheles, who is the devil character in his play Faust, the salesman of paper money. The point being made is that making money out of thin air, backing it with nothing, and lending it to people at interest is evil.

The devils of the Western banking system persuaded the Faust of America, President Woodrow Wilson, to pass the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 and sign away the destiny of his country.

Since 1913, America has been under the spell of evil and driven into darkness. The era from 1913 to today should be remembered as the Age of Hell, which included two unnecessary world wars, unnecessary economic depressions, and unnecessary mass suffering.

But this long era of darkness and collective ignorance is ending. America is awake after being put to sleep for a century. The lies and deceit that serve as the foundations of the Federal Reserve System are crumbling to dust.
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