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12-19-2011, 11:50 PM
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Oct 2005
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BIS Promotes Asian Financial Crisis?
AUSTRALIA'S key trading region in the Asia Pacific is the most vulnerable part of the world to a sudden capital strike by global banks, a leading economic authority has warned. New research from the influential Bank for International Settlements shows emerging markets in Asia would be heavily exposed if there were a credit crunch. – Sidney Morning Herald
Dominant Social Theme: We are giving people ample warning they ought to get out of the way.
Free-market Analysis: The secretive Swiss-based Bank for International Settlements has just warned that Asia is vulnerable to a catastrophic "global credit crunch," according to the Sidney Morning Herald (see above). We translate it thusly: The world is HEADING for an Asian financial crisis.
Yes, increasingly, as believers in directed history (conspiratorial history), we would venture that a BIS warning is something of a harbinger of catastrophic events to come. Too many people don't pay attention to the BIS, which is perhaps the most powerful body in the world. They should.
The Asia Pacific region has proven vulnerable to financial crises in the past, most notably in the later 1990s. The reasons for the collapse, the BIS indicates, is the same as previously, during the late 1990s – the rapid withdrawal of bank investment from the region. Here's some more from the article:
Asia Pacific is the most vulnerable part of the world to a sudden capital strike by global banks, a leading economic authority has warned. New research from the influential Bank for International Settlements shows emerging markets in Asia would be heavily exposed if there were a credit crunch ...
While Australia's trade with Europe is minimal, investors fear the domestic economy could be damaged if the euro zone crisis triggered a withdrawal from Asia by global banks, with civil unrest and a break-up of the European Union still a possibility.
In its report published today, the Bank for International Settlements says Asia's economies obtained far more debt from foreign lenders than other regions, and a large share of it was short-term debt.
Based on these two measures, it said: 'Asia-Pacific appears to be the region most exposed to sudden capital withdrawals.
It's not hard to hear what the BIS is telling us, if we listen. But in the modern world, listening is hard to do. In fact, it is difficult to remind oneself of the cognitive dissonance of agencies like the BIS. These facilities are often likely set up by the Anglosphere power elite to do exactly the opposite of their stated goals and objectives.
One example is the Federal Reserve that is supposed to stabilize the dollar and "control" monetary inflation. In fact, it has done exactly the opposite, and the dollar has lost almost all its value as a result. Additionally, central banks are often considered to be "inflation fighters" generically. But in fact ,a central bank prints money and thus is an inflation PRODUCER. In the long term it seemingly cannot be otherwise.
The BIS operates in reverse, too, in our opinion. It is supposed to organize prosperity around the world through canny money power structures. But all one need do is look at the world's current state of affairs to know that the BIS has not succeeded and is, in fact, probably a big part of the problem.
Why are power elite agencies so secretive, and why do they operate in reverse? Because the modern day elite conspiracy is aimed at creating one-world government. Thus, the elites have set up a number of facilities to create sociopolitical and economic chaos. The entire world's financial infrastructure has been designed to crash and fail on a regular basis, it would seem. And it does.
It's not hard to understand if one takes the proverbial step back. But most people, in the past anyway, couldn't do this because the entire panoply of the Western world's informational programming was aimed at informing people that Money Power was a benevolent entity.
Of course it is not. Money Power is exercised in the world today for one reason so far as we can tell: to create world government. The very nature of Money Power as exercised by the Anglosphere elites is subversive. The elites have created an almost seamless economic engine that is driving the world toward global governance. The BIS is a powerful part of this engine.
Just the other day, the BIS warned that the quantitative easing measures adopted by the central bank of England would not be sufficient. And it has also warned that central banks around the world ought to consider a kind of united easing that is probably unprecedented in central banking history. You can see our article on that here: BIS Calls for Hyperinflationary Depression?
With increasing frenetic energy, BIS officialdom seems to be issuing warnings about where the world is headed. In rapid-fire succession, BIS publications have informed us that it may be necessary for the world's central banks to act in concert to inflate dramatically, that the Bank of England's quantitative easing may not be sufficient and that Asia is vulnerable to the kind of financial crash that occurred in the 1990s.
Conclusion: We are reminded of the commercial: "When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen." Only in this case, it's the BIS, perhaps, that we should be listening to. In our humble opinion, the BIS may be busy (one way or another) organizing the very events about which it's warning.
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