Brother, I think you have never seen a woman in your life, if your comment is what you think. Yes the Hijab is a loose garment, which covers. But to put the blame on the woman AT ALL for the 2nd situation is a bit extreme to say the least. If a women wears a loose garment, covers her hair... that is enough... based on logic. Maybe you have ultra levels of testosterone and find even a toe being shown a bit too much, but to blame women for your weakness is strange. It reminds me of those "scholars" who blame the women who is raped for wearing a hijab but with jeans , that she "was asking for it". Yes if the woman is openly walking around half exposed and guys treat her like a piece of meat that is partly her fault too, but when there is a Muslim sister who is covered, to blame even a tiny bit on her is a problem with your weakness. May Allah help the brothers who are extremely weak.