Do the scientific verses in Qur'an convince atheists?
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08-14-2012, 02:55 AM
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Oct 2005
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Do the scientific verses in Qur'an convince atheists?
Atheists respond the "scientific" verses aren't
enough to be convincing enough to convert. What do you consider the top 3 amazing verses in the Qur'an - this might change in future when scientific facts appear.
We need to keep on top of translations (if you don't know Arabic) because for example Yusuf Ali in 1934 might have translated something from Arabic to English not knowing the verse confirms a scientific fact (or vice versa?). For this reason, modern translations are important to study.
If an atheist is not interested to convert - he's going to dismiss the verses as it is. But you can only say "it's a coincidence" a few times before you become foolish to reject the truth presented?
AND there's scientific verses in the Ahadith too....
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