Where can I find miswaak in the US?
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08-12-2012, 09:43 PM
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Oct 2005
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Miswak is a "portable" toothbrush with built in toothpaste. You could carry a standard toothbrush with a travel sized toothpaste tube and then brush your teeth whenever you like? You would need some water to rinse your mouth. As I said miswak can be used in conjunction with today's dental equipment. I doubt nobody today uses
miswak to brush their teeth - you use a brush and paste too? Further miswak alone doesn't clean behind the teeth effectively and in between them; you still need floss to remove food particles lodged between teeth?
Remember that's all the Prophet (saw) had available. If the Philips sonicare existed - he might have used that? Likewise, for the toilet he used stones / clay pieces and not tissue which we use today.
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