Pakistani army entered without any inforrmation in Darul ulum Karanchi
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08-12-2012, 04:47 AM
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Oct 2005
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What if? Theres no what if, the OP isnt about 'what ifs' a lot can be assumed with 'what ifs'. Anyway the rangers came to check for hiding militants if im not mistaken? or did they come for mufti saab as you seem to be alleging? Mistakes have been committed by both sides and this is why the army doesnt trust madrassahs anymore. And madrassas dont trust army anymore. I cant blame the army for taking precautions. I definitely wouldnt want my siblings at a madrassah where militants are hidden. The fact they dint find any, is alhamdulillah a good news, it will not harm the institutes reputation, so whats the harm? We're going through testy times, we cant say it wasnt expected.
So..'I assumed bombs were being made' there? what a lie, when i never said anything of that sort. Tsk tsk. Where are the mods now?
Actually this was the first time i defended the army's action. So youre back to lying.
The only atrocities being committed are by the thieving sardars in sweden switzerland and london controlling BLA BLO BLF etc etc. Missing persons. Out of the 500 people about 50 people are believed to be held by the army, same amount of balochis die by takfiris, lets condemn both?
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