Pakistani army entered without any inforrmation in Darul ulum Karanchi
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08-12-2012, 01:44 PM
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Oct 2005
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btw i was talking about the tableeghi ijtima, not a DPC rally. Funny how you just accused so many ullama of being ISI funded including maulana sami ul haq and ahmad ludhianwi sab. And oh yeah i do know why and how SSP split up an LeJ formed and i also know how it has nothing to do with the discussion. And yes about everything i know i know from colleagues who were 'on the ground'. Real people, not the news. Leave the afghans out of it, theyve already said they have nothing to do with anything here, unfortunately takfiris seem to think it means they have nothing to do with Pak army when they meant nothing to do with ANYONE.
You must really be disconnected because the only ones supporting baloch independence ARE secular mediums. Do you want me to name every secular supporting baloch independence along with their indian counterparts? And now you can add your name to that list too!
Have a lovely time bashing the army ISI DPC because you actually have more in common with these seculars than you know.
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