Brother, hope it goes well for you. But I would urge you again to refrain from investing. You cannot learn how to invest in stock markets buy reading books. It will give you a picture of what to lookout for and an idea of the different financial instruments out there. But unless you have an expertise on a particular sector or are involved in this sector yourself, the 'odds' are stacked against you/us. Its not neceassarily the share that matters, its the the business and the structure of the business behind it which the share represents. How many shares are in issue - how many are on loan - how many are there fully subscribed? What are the clauses in place, largely hidden away to smallprint in some cases, that could trigger the full subscription (and dilute your holding making it worth less after exercize of warrants). What classes of share and what other liabilities are sitting somewhere dressed-up in jargon? The amount of stuff they were doing back in the arly 00's was rather shocking (experience with a few like-minded friends), I can only imagine the web is even more tangled now. Judging by the the key players (banks, investment banks, finacial services firms) they are much more sophisticated at their deception now. Allahu A'lam