السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته و مغفرته I disagree strongly with some points and agree with others. But alhamdulillah there is no use in debating how tough the meat of a pig is to chew when eating a pig is Haraam. I have finished reading through the 25 page write up by Mufti Yusuf bin Yaqub and also the huge 113 page discussion between Mufti Vawda Saheb & Mufti Ebrahim Desai against Mufti Ashraf. The impermissibility of trading in the stock market has been so clearly laid out it is undeniable. It is a great testimony to the truth, professionalism and scholarship of Deoband that they managed to build up a case from the bottom up so strong that I cannot see how personally, I can continue to go down this route. The counter arguments were nowhere near as strong, often illogical and lacked any credible references. It's a shame that many scholars are so quiet on this issue whether due to fear of repercussions or lack of knowledge. In fact, in many cases it was shocking how Ulema (with all due respect) were issuing fatwa's on the permissibility of shares when they did not even understand what the role of a director is in a company. My only concern now is a family member who is planning on an entire career on investing in companies. I will need to convince them, I request du'aas that the arguments laid out by these Mufti's can come into my mind with proper understanding and be made manifest on my tongue with eloquence and proper adhab such that I can convince others of its impermissibility.