I think because it hasn't been a serious issue in the Muslim world until recently. Although this confrontation between atheism and Christianity has been going on in the West for centuries, the same wasn't true in the Muslim world. Now, however, you have some half-educated Muslims going to Western-style educational institutions and coming away with these ideas, without ever really studying logic. That's the problem with most "intellectuals" these days- they have no idea what constitutes a logical argument. Logic is not even a mandatory subject anymore (the only thing that is taught is a brief overview of propositional logic, usually as part of math class). Is it any wonder the atheists have such an easy time swaying these "educated" people? On the flip side, these atheists are none too familiar with Islam, so when confronted with it, they are unable to respond with actual arguments. Instead, they just parrot the same false notions of Islam that they inherited from their Crusader ancestors. It is baffling to them, because they have such an easy time poking fun at nonsensical Christian doctrines. In the end, though, people like Dawkins and Hitchens- you can't argue with them because they will not be fair nor will they argue logically. Their "arguments" are full of ad hominem attacks, red herrings and straw men. You can't win an argument with a fool. May Allah reward Hamzah for his good work. I hope he can perhaps get a book published someday, and put some major marketing effort behind it. If he can write a book, for example, where he takes apart all of Dawkins' arguments, then Dawkins will either have to respond with a book of his own, or admit defeat. Hamza already has a lot of good material to work with (although I think he is better off sticking with pure philosophy, and not bringing biology into it). EDIT: This and related videos of John Lennox are very good. Although a Christian, he is an excellent orator and delivers some strong arguments. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lY1uT...a6ALTxb3lwAKAA