A Hamza and a Hoodbhoy
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02-28-2012, 10:44 PM
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Hamza at
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about Professor Hoodbhuy's response:
Professor Pervez Hoodbhoy is a liar. I am shocked how he has misrepresented our discussion. He has a produced a video that is full of lies. It is a great shame that such a well established Professor and author continues to embarrass himself. Like most politicised atheists/secularists he obviously has an agenda. However, anyone who watches the discussion will realise how he failed to engage with any of the rational arguments put forward for the veracity of Islam. The irony is that at the beginning of the discussion, I told him I agreed with him on various issues concerning science and religion. I read his whole book in the car on the way to the debate and expressed which points I agreed with, I tried to empathise with his position. But unfortunately the only way I can explain Professor Hoodbhoy's antics is that he is probably still feeling the effects of how our discussion exposed his irrational thinking, his misrepresentations of the Islamic tradition, and his inability to engage with rational Muslims. If I have time I may post a video response. Technically it is not the professor who has produced the video. The video probably has been produced by the user, here at SF,
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