Why do brother shave the beard and keep the moustache - opposite?!?!
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08-13-2012, 12:03 PM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
If you think about the only reason why brothers shave is because it supposedly looks "uncouth" and "messy" in a non Muslim or even Muslim country?
Otherwise why bother to shave because:
1. You can save time and hassle in the morning before going to work;
2. No chance of cutting yourself;
3. Save money on razor and blades - blades cost a fortune;
4. Blades are the most shoplifted item in some countries - not shaving would reduce this;
5. The security in a shop wouldn't have to bore themselves pointing their CCTV cameras whenever someone was standing in front of the blades section;
6. Sunnah (most important reason).
And your kids can play with your beard and pretend you are "Santa Claus"!!! These are good reasons to remind your male relatives to grow a beard!
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