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Old 07-13-2012, 06:25 AM   #12

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I have heard some people saying that one should not discuss their personal problems with their shaykh. But often times, it so happens that a mureed, overwhelmed by such problems, loses interest/motivation to do his maamoolaat. As a result, he/she falls ill spiritually.
What should one do in such a case? When the Shaykh doesnt reply to your emails? And people dont give you any suggestions that could be acted upon practically?

JazakumULLAH Khair,
Wassalam ma'al-ikram
A) There are two aspects of this - Mureed n shaikh.

Some mureeds dont feel comfortable sharing their personal problems with shaikh. This might be due to:

1) Shyness
2) lack of openness with shaikh
3) pride
4) nature is like that he doesnt want to share his problems with anyone but Allah.

1-3 need to be removed. 4 is okay. In my opinion shaikh is there to do your islah not solve your personal problems.

Shaikh - some shaikhs are such tht u cant share personal problems with them. They start interfering too much in your matters. Its best to avoid this kind of a shaikh.

My view is that women should not be very open with the shaikh and they should not share their problems with shaikh directly except problems related to islah. Letters/emails shud be anonymous. Even the name can be hidden. Everyone is a human. And in these times of fitnahs its better to be safe than sorry.

B) what should be done in this case.

First of all you we should know that the maqsad of all tareeqahs of tasawwuf is to make the following of shariah easy for us. To make the nafs so low that following shariat becomes easy for us. In other words, it becomes our nature. If this is not attained then all tasawwuf is useless. No matter which tareeq we are bayt in, even if the shaikh doesnt give it to us, we should include in our mamolaat the masnoon amals which themselves are maqsad:

1) all masnoon duas
2) dua to Allah
3) all the sunnah and nafl prayers like zuha, awwabeen, ishraq, 4 rakah before maghrib
4) tahajjud
5) all masnoon tasbeehat like subhanallah wa bihamdihi subhanAllahil azeem 100 times.
6) monday, thursday fast
7) fast 3 days a month 13-14-15th of islamic calendar of every month.
8) trying to follow all sunnahs like miswak.
9) abundant istighfar

What should be done - abundant istighfar and dua to Allah.

When the shaikh doesnt reply to your emails:

Don't send ur shaikh daily emails and expect a return. Set some time like ull send a mail in 15 days. when shaikh prescribes something, dont do it for one day and send shaikh a mail next day telling him i didnt get any benefit. Atleast do it for a week - 2 weeks then inform the shaikh.

If people dont give u suggestions:

You can come to sunniforum to ask for suggestions.

hope this helps. Ill write more as it comes.

Duaaon ki darkhwast.
johnuioyer is offline


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