i have a younger acquaintance who is very troubled about deen. he lives in university hostel and was very close to the imam of the university masjid. the imam left to eb replaced by new one. but thats not the problem. the problem is he cant talk to the new imam as he could talk to the previous one. his family is anti-tableegh. as in they dont mind him being interested in religion but they dont like him leaving home (or hostel for that matter) to sit in company of mashaikh. he has zeal for dawah but now he can only do so on facebook. he does it to make the liberal class that doesnt frequent msoques to come close to islam. in my personal opinion he over does it constantly posting islamic content on liberal pages, bickering with liberals and barelvis etc etc. he also says that he is lagging behind in studies and he feels his prayers are not for Allah (SWT). he is in hostel for the summers and his home is in central punjab. i asked him if there are other guys in hostel who he can talk to and he said one of them turned him down. ml.taliban...what to do with this guy?he desperately needs a sheikh or help of some kind.i fear his dawah on facebook is becoming adawah