Salam Aleykum, Hmmm, Sayyeds marrying non-Sayyeds is Haram you say? Let me give you the most famous examples, Didn't the Prophet SAWS give two of his "Sayyed" daughters to thu al-Noorayn 'Uthman ibn 'Affan (ra)? 'Uthman was not a Sayyed yet he married two Sayyed women... Didn't 'Ali ibn abi Talib (ra) give his "Sayyed" daughter Umm Kulthoum bin Fatima to the Caliph Ameer al-Mumineen 'Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra)? 'Umar was not a Sayyed yet he married 'Ali's daughter. So this cultural mumbo-jumbo comes directly from the subcontinent, because some people deceived others by telling them that they were "Sayyeds" then started acting like they were ABOVE everyone else, like a Pope. enjoy,