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04-25-2012, 12:13 AM
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Nov 2005
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(bro humble suggestions is that lets only pick some really touching ones, otherwise this thread may soon grow huge and unattractive)
0037. Of course, here comes maulana taliban db, need I say the topic - ok, for protocol of pluto sahab db - Ta'addud!
Sheikh sahib all i'm saying is why do we advise people not to marry again? Instead why can't we give them advice that do marry again and marry widows and divorcees so that you support them. And when you marry again, give the wives their huqooq. Just like we make bayans about giving the ikhloti begum her huqooq?
So what i'm saying is that we've made this aspect of deen practically Haram even though we say no its not haram.. But our actions prove otherwise. When we say that no one can do justice these days (ive heard many muftis saying this), we're actually saying that since no one can do justice so it's haram to marry. So we make it practically haram....
The thing is that the evil of polygamy have made way into the deepest of our minds and hearts that no matter what, we see it as evil. And the person who's doing it is seen as an evil monster who's just after women... WHY? Oh, missing him db!
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