Ranks of jurists and scholars
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03-30-2009, 04:21 AM
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Ranks of jurists and scholars
Assalam o alaykum,
Levels of Hanafi fuqaha and scholars.
Mujtahidin fil Shar'a
– These are those who don't follow any other mujtahids and are the source of methods and principles to be followed by others.
These include the likes of Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik ibn Ans, Imam Muhammad bin Idris Shaf'i, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal [may Allah have mercy on them], etc.
Mujtahidin fil madhab
– These are those who have the capability of deriving ruling (
) from the sources of Shari’a and even though they disagree with
mujtahideen fil shara
on certain matters but in principle (usool) they are in conformity with them.
These include the likes of Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad bin Hassan al-Shaybani [may Allah have mercy on them].
Mujtahidin fil Masail
– These are those who derive ruling (ijtihad) in those issues (masail) regarding which there is no report from mujtahideen of the school.
These are the likes of Imam Kashaf, Imam Tawahi,
Shams al-Ai’ma
Abul Hassan Karkhi,
Shams al-Ai’ma
Shams al-Ai’ma
Sarakhsi, Imam Bazdawi, Imam Qadi Khan [may Allah have mercy on them], etc.
Ashab Takhrij
– This group does not have authority for ijtihad. They just clarify what are not clear in their school books based on other texts of their imams .They very rarely draw some rulings from the nas, when there is none.
Example of this level would be Imam Bazzazi, Imam Abu Bakr al- Jassas and Abu Abd Allah al-Jurjani [may Allah have mercy on them].
Ashab Tarjih
- This group distinguishes between different narrations within the madhab and decide on those opinions which are better and more accurate than the others among the opinions and reports made in their school.
Example of these would be Imam Marghinani [author of
], Imam Abul Hassan Ahmad Qudoori,
Muhaqqiq mutlaq
Imam bin Humam [may Allah have mercy on them], etc.
Ashab Tamyiz
- This level of muqallid scholars are able to distinguish between strong and weak opinions within the school as well as
Zahir al-Riwayah
They include the likes of Imam Abul Fadl Abdullah bin Mahmud [author of
Taaj al-Sharia
Mahmud Mahbubi al-Bukhari [author of
], Imam Muzaffaruddin Ahmad bin Ali [author of
Majma al-Bahrain
], Imam Abul Barakaat al-Nasafi [author of
], as well as Imam ibn Nujaym al-Hanafi [may Allah have mercy on them all].
Simply Muqallids
- These are those who simply memorized the majority of the hukms and problems and their solutions in their schools of thought.
Many faqihs after 800 A.H. are in this group such as 'Allamah Ibn `Abidin (may Allah have mercy on him).
Taken from
Majuma al-Fatawa
of 'Allamah Abd al-Hayy Lakhnawi and
Usul al-Fiqh
of Dr. Yusuf Ziya Kavakci.
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