Science and technology harmful and make us athiest?
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08-08-2012, 07:47 AM
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Nov 2005
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السلاك عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته و مغفرته
بيم الله الرمن الرحيم
Science is not something which should make us doubt Islam but rather reinforce it. Science is a means to which we can appreciate the beauty of Allah SWT as Al-Khaaliq, The Creator. Science gives us another viewpoint, another way or really appreciating Allah SWT's Majesty and Divine Perfection.
Ibaadah of Allah SWT comes in many different forms: Tasbeeh, Salah, Zakat, Saum, Hajj are all acts of worship. But deeni pursuits are also acts of worship when the intention is correct. When the husband works and earns a halaal income with the intention of supporting himself and his family, he is doing ibaadah and being rewarded for it. When a student studies a subject with the intention of using his knowledge for halaal purposes he is rewarded. Worship is not just limited to the acts of worship such as praying.
Science if done with the correct intentions also falls under the category of ibaadah. Science in the form of medicine is ibaadah by helping treat people of diseases and increase their quality of life. Science in the form of mathematics, engineering and physics helps us to come up with technology that greatly simplifies our lives leaving more time for ibaadah. With the advent of cars and planes, journeys which would take days or months now take hours or days freeing up much time to spend doing other beneficial ibaadah. Science for the sake of increasing the knowledge of science is also important as it increases our appreciation of Allah SWT not to mention the possible uses it may have later on.
When it was discovered that a magnet when moved next to a circuit produces a current, scientists at the time though "ah that is nice. How interesting." The far reaching implications it had was not fully understood until later. Today almost every single piece of technology relies on the relationships of electromagnetism. In other words, scientific advancements which are just curiosities can develop into things which have far reaching consequences.
So you should not stop your child from going to school for the sake of not learning science, but rather encourage him to study science if he is good at it and enjoys it. However, an important issue you raised is something like evolution. It should be noted that science is always changing, and things which clearly contradict Islam should not be believed in as Islam does not change with the times. How this will be achieved, parents are better qualified here.
If you do want to send him to madrasah send him for the right reasons, not simple because you do not want him to learn science. Science is a gift that Allah SWT has given to us to help us in our lives and is ibaadah.
If you need further proof, do a google of the scientific advancements that occurred during the Muslim Khilafah.
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