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Old 08-06-2012, 08:14 AM   #5

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Oct 2005
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Subscribing to a madhab seems to be a big deal here. So I have decided that maybe I need to choose one.

Strangely, not once at any mosque have I ever been asked what madhab do I follow. And I don't ever remember any of my revert brothers or sisters talking about the issue of madhabs.

My back ground is this.

I was first introduced to Islam by Saudi students studying here in the U.S.

They had rented a small apartment that they used for a mosque. They had told me that they were Wahhabi. I was around them for about 2 years. During which time I said shahada, and learned the basics of Islam. I greatly admired them and their adab. They observed purdah and all of their wives were niqabi muslimahs.

After they graduated all of them moved away.

Not long after I moved to another state and started attending other mosques; basically searching for a mosque to call home. I was very dismayed to find out how much other muslins disliked and said bad things about Saudis and wahhabi's; but that's another story.

Anyway, I am looking for a madhab that is close to Wahhabism and strict purdah is observed; and the muslimah's wear niqab.

So what say you...........
All four have strong strands of thought like this (for example amongst the Hanafis it is the Deobandis who are what you are looking for), so all are what you are looking for on this basis.

Personally I think Maliki Madhab is best for reverts for a few different reasons (from its relative simplicity and ease in some areas to its attitude towards dogs) and that is why there are more reverts who have become scholars in that madhab compared to the numbers in the other three.
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