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Old 06-30-2012, 08:16 PM   #1

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Default Who is Afraid of Submission?
All of us say that Islam means submission.
Some times we combine it with the other meaning of Islam, peace.
We say that Islam is the peace and security acquired by submitting your will before the Will of Allah (SWT).

We love peace, well being, security extremely.
Innahu lihubbil khairi lashadeed.

So we hate submission because we do not accept that it brings peace, well being and security.

We say that we accept that we get peace by submission.
But we do not accept it by our hearts.
It is counterpart of US argument. They say that they are not at war with Islam but so many actions by them damage Muslim interests.

According to a Divine Tradition he who pleases a slave of Allah (SWT) pleases him.
He who thanks a slave he thanks Allah (SWT).
And clearly there are Traditions mandating subordination to your superior.

Even then the fact remains that the task to convince someone for submission is very difficult.

Freedom is a heady thing.
Just look around and see how difficult it is to convince anyone from the western hemisphere that freedom goes with responsibility.
And then we have our own brothers, and sister, whom it is difficult to convince about submission.
Submit your intellect, brain, logic, reasoning to the Will of Allah (SWT) and you shall get all the assurance that they are completely submitted to the Will of Allah (SWT).

And if you do not find such bosses whom you can be subservient to with ease then dear friend please know that this is a different problem.
We did not value our bosses and Allah (SWT) has given such bosses who want you to be subservient to their whims, rather than injunctions of Allah (SWT).

And if you do not find Masha-ikh to whom you can hand yourself over for personal cleansing of your inner self then the explanation is again the same. We did not value our Masha-ikh in the past and Allah (SWT) made them rare.
For Allah (SWT) removes a blessing that we do not value.

It is not an abstruse point of philosophy that a believer rises by submitting.
Allama Dr Muhammed Iqbal put it succinctly.
To rise higher submit yourself he averred.

Fa Dakhuli 'Ibadi, Wa Dakhuli Jannati.
Be a slave of mine, enter my Jannah.

When you reduce yourself by making yourself a slave of Allah (SWT) He elevated you - even in this world.
It has been a strange experience of your truly that every significant decision you make towards submission is within moments rewarded by some exquisite insight that legitimately will classify as guidance.

Let us look at an example. Input is taken from a Maulana Tariq Jamil Sahab (DB)'s sermon.
We all know a Tradition according to which if some one taunts some one else for a sin that latter has given up then former will not die till he too has committed that sin. There is a related Tradition. If some one thinks low of a sinner then he shall not die till he too commits that sin.

Now why is that? This can not be understood by cause and effect. If B is a sinner and A thinks low of B because of the sin then B might or might not know of it.
So how does the sin permeates to A?
The Traditions are all authentic.

Maulana Tariq Jamil Sahab (DB)'s argument is that since B is a slave of Allah (SWT) therefore Allah (SWT) says that you have thought low of my slave now I'll square with you by equating you with him. And A ends up at the same level as B.

It is clear that B has got a significant status just by being a slave. The status is significant enough for Allah (SWT) to put an elaborate system to avenge any injustice to him.

If a sinner has such a high status, just because of being a slave, then this business of slavery is a mighty profitable enterprise.

This wonderful proposition is neutralized by simple assertions like - I am a fiery independent person. Or I do not believe in Tasawwuf.
AntonioMQ is offline


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