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Old 08-08-2012, 10:58 PM   #29

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Oct 2005
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Hellokitty, judging by your name I'm sure you are the expert on cats and probably dogs?!?!?

Since a Muslim shouldn't yawn is yawning to a dog permitted to keep oneself safe? What's the fatwa on this?

Is a dog's (and cat's) mouth really more clean? Is that why they don't brush their teeth? Should we start kissing a dog or cat instead of human beings?
Salams whats a name got to do with anything?
I just happen to highly like the hello kitten stuffs.
Anyhoo as regards to yawning generally as muslims we shouldn't go around yawning but if you need to yawn at an aggressive dog potentially save you from being bitten it's not going to do you any harm I don't know any fatwa on this tbh. Also I am not saying we should kiss dogs, cats maybe but not dogs. Actually I have a fondness of all Allahs creature. Including ants. Ive even rescued spiders and bugs from harm. Many experts agree that dog saliva has antibacterial properties and less bacteria than ours. That does not necessarily mean cleaner/fresher. I don't think there is a fatwa whening it comes to yawning to against harm from dogs I am not going to issue you one. However If you must wouldn't it be the same as eating pork to save your life? Anyhoo it's not a real yawn you just mimicing yawn by opening your mouth like a yawn. I have a cat as I can't keep a dog and Ive kissed my cat on her forehead b4, plus my budgies to.
Jalieteplalry is offline


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