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Old 08-07-2012, 08:47 AM   #21

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That my point all then are nothing but words of men not of Allahu Subhaanahu Wa Ta'Ala . If you knew the Qur'aan you would know this alread plus they're 1000's of Hadeeth from diffrent Sect of Muslims they're more then 82 diffrent sect of muslim so if you think you said something slick you didn't .
1) If God only wanted us to follow the Qur'an then why did he send the Prophet Salallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam?

2) Qur'an says pray five times a day, but it doesn't teach you how to pray 5 times a day, so what do you do?

3) If Hadeeth is the "word of man" then how do you think Qur'an was preserved and who do you think it was preserved by?

4) Does the Qur'an say don't follow the Sunnah? If so, can you support your claim for not following the Sunnah from the Qur'an? Because Qur'an says in 19 places "Atee'ullaha wa Atee'ur-Rasool" Obey Allah and Obey His messenger, so how do you obey the Prophet Salallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam?

"The Sunna is divided into two types. The first is the consensus transmitted from the masses to the masses. This is one of the proofs that leave no excuse for denial and there is no disagreement concerning them. Whoever rejects this consensus has rejected one of Allah's textual stipulations and committed apostasy. The second type of Sunna consists in the reports of established, trustworthy lone narrators with uninterrupted chains. The congregation of the ulamas of the Community have said that this second type makes practice obligatory. Some of them said that it makes both knowledge and practice obligatory."

{Ibn Abd al-Barr - Jami' Bayan al-'Ilm Volum 2, Page 33}
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