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Old 08-08-2012, 01:44 AM   #26

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It's NOT a duh... in Arabic it says, that is a book.... dhalika kitab.... How can "that is a book" mean "this is a book"???

Please explain.....

I am in the beginning stages of learning arabic.. If I don't rely on men, or hadith... how am I to understand that Quranic verse????

hadha means this
dhalika means that

In Sura 2:2 it says, dhalika kitab "That is a book." But everybody translates this verse as "this is a book." If Allah intended it to mean "this is a book", why didn't Allah say, "hadha kitab...." ????

What I am asking, if Quran 2:2 refer to the Quran, how can the word "that" (arabic: Dhalika) mean "This" (Arabic:hadha)???

Please explain:

And don't quote any hadith or words from men... Explain it to me just using the Quran!!!! I just want the words of Allah....

thanks you...
As of yet you have not seen me quote any Hadeeth other then to tell you their only words of men not of Allah .

Being you cliam you know / learning Arabic ''Right '' Tell me what these Verse are speaking of ok Holy Qur'aan 82 ; 11-18 ,

Again those verse are speaking of the Qur'aan not Hadeeth .
Erexecike is offline


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