It's NOT a duh... in Arabic it says, that is a book.... dhalika kitab.... How can "that is a book" mean "this is a book"??? Please explain..... I am in the beginning stages of learning arabic.. If I don't rely on men, or hadith... how am I to understand that Quranic verse???? hadha means this dhalika means that In Sura 2:2 it says, dhalika kitab "That is a book." But everybody translates this verse as "this is a book." If Allah intended it to mean "this is a book", why didn't Allah say, "hadha kitab...." ???? What I am asking, if Quran 2:2 refer to the Quran, how can the word "that" (arabic: Dhalika) mean "This" (Arabic:hadha)??? Please explain: And don't quote any hadith or words from men... Explain it to me just using the Quran!!!! I just want the words of Allah.... thanks you...