It's a fact that the same men who transmitted Hadith are the same men who transmitted the Quran... It's a fact that both Hadith and the Quran were collected into single collections after the demise of the Prophet, sallahu alayhi wa salaam... It's a fact that the early Muslim community predominantly an oral tradition meaning the Quran was mainly transmitted through men and not paper books.... It's a fact that ten variant readings of Quran have reached us through men from the Prophet, sallahu alayhi WA salaam... It is a fact that Hadith are a collection of saying of the Prophet, sallahu alayhi wa salaam... It's a fact that words of Allah are found in both the Quran and Hadith... Its a fact that not every Hadith is true... It's a fact that there are Hadith which are rigoriously authenticated (sahih), well authenticated (hasan), weak (daif), and fabricated (mawdo)... It's a fact that Islam is not only based on Quran and Hadith. But tradition as well in which all three were transmitted by men... It's a fact that not every sahih Hadith is acted upon by sunni muslims... So it is a fact we take into consideration the possibility of errors of men... You keep on mentioning only one fact when there are many facts to be considered...