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Old 08-06-2012, 05:12 AM   #2

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Nov 2005
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Salaamu alaikum wr wb,

What were the specific ayays recited to the Abyssinian King by one of the Muslims when they were seeking safety in Abyssinia and the King had asked him about their religion and about Jesus (AS)?

Negis asked: "Do you remember any part of the divine word your messenger has brought from Allah Ta'ala?" when Ja'far replied in the affirmative Negis requested him to recite a portion of it. Ja'far Radhiyallahu 'anhu commenced reciting the opening verses of Surah Maryam. The Emperor and all his courtiers were unable to contain themselves. They started weeping profusely so much so that the Emperor's beard was drenched in tears. (It appears that the emperor had a beard and this is the way of all the Ambiya. Allah Ta'ala forbid! Not a single Nabi ever shaved his beard. Keeping a beard is a distinctive sunnah of all the Ambiya.)

When Ja'far Radhiyallahu 'anhu terminated his recitation, the emperor exclaim:" These words and the words imparted by Isa 'Alaihis salam are of the same spiritual cauldron." He then candidly addressed the Qurayshi delegation saying: "I will never surrender these people to you nor is there a remote possibility of me doing so."

Excerpt from the book, Siratul Mustafa
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