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Old 05-15-2009, 10:48 PM   #4

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Oct 2005
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1) Do you if those websites are reliable?.

I have bought from Neelwafuraat a few times and found them to be really reliable and good at finding books unavailable elsewhere.
No idea about the other site.

2) How would I know if a certain print is good?
You have to ask those who specialise in the field.

3) A while ago I created this thread:

Iv been in search of these books and Alhamdulillah I located few but alot of them im struggling to locate. Can you please advice a more efficient manner to locate them. If I have to travel what are the costs and any other valuable advice regarding this.
I would like a list of commentaries (in arabic) of the following kitabs (manuscript or in print):

1) Nur-ul-idah
2) Qudoori
3) Sharh-ul-wiqaya
4) Kanz-ad-Daqaiq
5) Hidaya

Jazaka-Allah Khair 1) Nur-ul-idah
- Imdad al-Fattah- the Syrian edition, not the Dar Ihya at-Turath one.
- Maraqi al-Falah- Syrian edition as well, not the Ilmiyyah one.
- Hashiyat at-Tahtawi ala al-Maraqi- No top editions, the Syrian one is probably better than the ilmiyyah one, while the old Egyptian edition isn't very user friendly. I am getting copies of all 3 in 2-3 weeks inshallah.

2- Quduri
- Jawharah- The old Egyptian edition from Maktabah Khayriyyah, copied in Pakistan is the best edition, better than the Turkish one with Lubab in the margin and better than the Ilmiyyah edition.
- Khulasah ad-Dalail- Old Qazan (Russian edition) better than the recent Maktabah ar-Rushd edition. First is hard to get, I used to sell copies of it, while the second is availble in Saudia etc
- Lubab- The Syrian edition by Sh. Bashar Bakri Arrabi is better than all other editions. Sh. Sa'id bakdash is working on a muhaqqaq edition, however it might take some time to be released.
- At-Tashih wa at-Tarjih of Allamah Qasim- The Ilmiyyah edition is better than the Rayyan one. Easily available
- Ash-Shihab- A contemporary Egyptian commentary, not very easily available

- Hashiyah of Ml. Ghulam Mustapha- Best Hashiyah, availble from Dar ibn Kathir in Syria and Qadimi in Karachi
- Hashiyah of ml. I'zaz Ali- Widely available, not too beneficial
- al-Hall adh-Dharuri- Too detailed, easily available
- Al-Mu'tasar adh-Dharuri- Too detailed, easily available
- Turkish Hawashi- Available in most turkish bookstores, don't seem to be very of much benefit.

3- Sharh al-Wiqayah

Other than Ml. Abd al-Hayy's Umdat ar-Ri'ayah and a few shuruh printed ages ago and very hard to get hold of, nothing else is available in print.

4) Kanz-ad-Daqaiq
- Tabyin al-Haqaiq - Old Bulaq edition, available in Pakistan from Imdadiyyah in Multan
- Bahr ar-Raiq- Old Bulaq edition, available from H.M.Saeed in Karachi
- Mulla Miskin with the Fath Allah al-Mu'in on it- very rare, can be downloaded
- Ramz al-Haqaiq of al-Ayni- Old Bulaq edition is rare, new edition available from Maktabah al-Quran in Karachi
- Kashf al-Haqaiq of al-Afghani- very rare now
- al-Nahr al-Faiq- Ilmiyyah
- Mustakhlas al-Haqaiq- Rashidiyyah in Kweta sell an incomplete edition, while the complete one is ultra rare
- Kanz al-Bayan- Ilmiyyah edition available, old Egyptian edition is rare

5) Hidaya
- Fath al-Qadir, with Inayah and Kifayah is available in multiple prints. Discussed on another thread.
- Binayah- the Multan edition, DON"T ever buy the Fikr or Ilmiyyah ones, they have over 30000 errors in them!

This is what is in print and comes to mind now.
As for manuscript ones, they number in the hundreds. Not difficult to get hold of, but costly.
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