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Old 05-17-2009, 07:03 PM   #19

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On the Sharh al-wiqaya there is Ibn Kamal Basha's al-Idah fi sharh al-Islah, printed by DKI. Although in his introduction he says that he has altered the text, for the purposes of correction and clarification, and so how much of the original matn of sharh al-wiqaya is preserved in his work I'm not sure. As he says:

وسميت المتن بالإصلاح ، [لتضمنه إصلاح ما في الوقاية من الزلل] والشرح بالإيضاح ،[لاشتماله على إيضاح ما في الشرح المذكور من الخلل]

It isn't really on Sharh al-Wiqayah.
Ibn Kamal Basha altered/corrected the text of Wiqayah and titled it al-Islah, then wrote a commentary on it, similar to Sharh al-Wiqayah, but full of objections on Sharh al-Wiqayah. This he titled al-I'dhah Sharh al-Islah.

I know the muhaqqiqs of the Ilmiyyah edition well and they seem to have did a good job on it. There is no other print of the book.
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