Knowledge is dangerous?
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08-05-2012, 11:36 PM
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Oct 2005
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One thing is sure,The knowledge necessary for our day to day living is not much,all the rest might be good for intellectual exercise,discussions,creating an impression etc...which is obviously not only useless but dangerous.We Quote one Shaikh after another,ignoring the fact that the 'Hikma' which springs from their chest to their tongues,is the result of their Taqwa....and the time they spend in solitude with their RABB.Instead of quoting them,why not try to become like them,so that the same Hikma fills our chest too?
Again we must differentiate between the "True Ilm" and "The empty words" we keep on repeating like parrots.Sahaba,despite all their greatness,which no one can dare dispute,had much less bookish knowledge than the ones who came after them.The "Mutakhireen" had access to all the Sihahe Sitta,a combined Knowledge of of almost all the Sahaba,but the "true Ilm" was possessed by Sahaba....The Ilm which enlightens the Qalb and prepares one for Akhera.
I am not implying that the "Mutakhireen" were devoid of true Ilm,but the difference between them and the Sahaba is obvious..
Similarly,with the flood of books on Tassawuf in the market,even ordinary people like us has more knowledge on Tassawuf than even some of the Akabir Sufia....but we don,t have even an iota of the true HAAL,which they possessed.I heard one Shaikh saying " Tassawuf dar kitab wa Mashikh dar Quboor" ( Tassawuf is now limited to the books....and true Mashaikh are resting in their Quboor).......and that is why a Munkir had the courage to sarcastically comment: " Tassawuf barae Sher guftan khoob ast" (Tassawuf is good for writing poetry).
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