Save Maryam!
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07-21-2012, 03:47 AM
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Oct 2005
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Save Maryam!
Approximately 2 million people in Indonesia leave Islam for Christianity every year.
Why is this the case? Why are people not satisfied with Islam? Why are they willing to abandon Allah?
Save Maryam
is one way to avert this. do watch this video very carefully.(warning: filth on the recommended videos on the right panel)
please note that its not just about the status of indonesia being the largest muslim country in the is saving people from eternal torment and torture in hell fire...for if you die a kafir, this is the worst thing that can happen to anyone.
jolt yourself into consciousness save maryam's afterlife!
share share share. share again after a few weeks. and again and again. look what is at stake!
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