Thread: The Rohingya
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Old 07-30-2012, 05:14 PM   #16

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And are you sure that this so called 'diplomatic pressure' will bring any good to the muslims there?
Never saw this kind of 'diplomatic pressure' in the Seerat of Rasulullah sallalahu alaiyhi wasallam..
well you might be wrong on the issue of how the prophet SAW dealt in politics.

The prophet SAW signed teh treaty of hudaibiyyah with the enemies of Allah because he used hikmah in his political efforts. this treaty was in effect up until just before he died and lasted 6 years so was a key aspect of the seerah.

Hamza and umar lined up outside the ka'ba and marched in two rows in front of the ka'ba.

he had froeign dignatories received in madinah. he did economic warfare on the quraysh. he signed treaties with the jews. the list is countless of things he did to help muslims.

he was even part of an organisation before islam came, and said if it still existed he would still join it again.

there is a lot of things in the seerah, teh prophet SAW wasnt like the jihaadis if you look at his conduct in politics

and no im not sure, its the only thing we can do, do we have to try something inshAllah. Political pressure sometimes works and sometimes doesnt depending on how strong it is and in what manner. its all we have for now
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