Thread: The Rohingya
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Old 07-30-2012, 05:44 PM   #19

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there is a lot of things in the seerah, teh prophet SAW wasnt like the jihaadis if you look at his conduct in politics
what you stated about the diplomatic methods adopted by the Prophet does not contradict what the mujahideen are doing. perhaps you do not know much about them which is why you made this statement. they have ulema with them who i am sure you will also admit, know more about the seerah than you do. your constant, disrespectful, declaration that the mujahideen are ak47 -wielign militants who don't know about islam is actually indicative of the narrative the western media wishes for muslims to repeat at every level. a bit of research into the matter will show you what is actually happening.

well thats not realistic is it. if it was, you'd be doing it surely?
firstly that is a poor way to argue and it is a strawman.

i find it very difficult to digest that many muslims who support ikhwan ul muslimeen etc constantly bad mouth the mujahideen using terms the media uses such as 'terrorists', 'barbarians', 'tyrants' and also implying time and again that mujahideen are stupid. one brother who was a MB supporter made the statement that supporting the mujahideen will only bring you early shahdah or life imprisonment.

contrast this with the behavior of mujahideen towards MB govt in egypt. despite having ideological differences with MB the IEA fervently praised and congratulated the brotherhood. urged the egyptian activists on. i do not think he has condemned MB in public. you don't find them insulting morsi or telling them they are stupid do you? i don't know why those who support Mb cannot hold their tongues?

you do whatever you can do liberate the burmese muslims and we shall do whatever we can.
but before you do so please read this: it discusses this very issue.

there is no way an islamic caliphate capable of liberating burmese muslims (and not just a puppet of america) can be formed w/o armed rebellion. though armed rebellion is not mutually exclusive to diplomacy. the IEA is at war with ANA and ISAF. ANA is similar to Pak army in their support towards ISAF. Pakistan sold many taliban mujahideen to the US and killed many in their prisons. yet IEA does not call openly for attacks on Pakistan's surface. it maintains a very politically correct stance towards pakistan and other neighbouring countries of non-interference.

if al-q@eda does not believe in diplomacy why did it agree to peace deal with pakistan between 2001-2003 before army betrayed them? why is their peace agreement between sirajuddin haqqani and pakistan army despite haqqani being with AQ?

it is a pity that in order to show the seerah in a particular light we forget the ghazawat of badr, uhud,khandaq etc and show the mujahideen as uncompromising gun-wileding fanatics who only know destruction and death.

if you wish to form an opinion please do so on educated basis after some research.

mullah dadullah (slain in 2007) was asked what message he would give to the Muslims?
he said:
- the Muslims must come to fight with the mujahideen.
- if they cannot then they should support them with their wealth.
- if thats not possible they should support them with their words
- and even if thats not possible then at least don't be hostile to the mujahideen and pledge allegiance to non-mulsims.

may Allah accept him as shaheed.
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