Question about eye contact
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04-25-2012, 03:26 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Asalaamu Alaikum Warahmutllah,
Masha'Allah, congratulations sister!
Allah Almighty has indeed given you the best gift one can get... which is Islam, guidance to the true & straight path.
It is
only and only
who has guided you. Myself or no other person has anything whatsoever to do with it. The brother who works with you and how the whole eye contact thing started, Allah may have used that brother to guide you since He is so Merciful and now that brother will Insha'Allah get tremendous reward for every single good action you perform as a Muslim and every single time you worship and remember Allah Almighty, for all your life, and for anyone who you end up teaching, and for all of your future generations and beyond... This brother will be rewarded for all of that. Then, the people who taught this brother will be rewarded, and so on and so forth, Insha'Allah. Can we imagine how beautiful Allah's deen is!
also may have used the brothers and sisters who participated in this thread and elsewhere on this forum, and those who may not have posted but made dua (prayed) for you when they read this thread, and others, Allah may have used all these people to help guide you, because He is so Merciful and wants to reward His creation abundantly. That does not mean that any of us are "special" because we were able to get through to you, or anything of that sort, we are nothing without Allah swt's help and mercy and we must always remember that and stay humble. The
does not need His creation to do
, and the
can do
without the Will of the one and only
Just so you know the existing Muslims on this forum are probably jealous (in a friendly, brotherly/sisterly way of course) of you right now as a new Muslim who says their shahadah is like a newborn baby, completely clean of sin, while the rest of us, especially me, are drenched in sin. Cherish this gift and always strive to stay away from sin Insha'Allah.
Please remember me, my family, all members of SF and the entire Muslim ummah and all of mankind in your duas.
May Allah
bless you and your family with all that is good in this life and in the hereafter. Ameen.
Mubarak (congratulations) once again and welcome (back) to Islam.
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