words of wisdom from spiritual gatherings of Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadh Ul Haqq
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08-03-2012, 08:40 AM
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Nov 2005
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The Month Of Training
Ramadhan is the month of training for one on the path of tazkiyah (spiritual purification) and the training one receives in this month is not received at any other time. Below is some practical advice one should try to act on during this blessed month:
• Ramadhan is the month of the Qur’an and one should try to complete at least one recitation.
• Along with recitation one should make an effort to understand it by adhering to a reliable commentary or summary. The Glorious Qur’an by Maulana Abdul Majid Daryabadi (may Allah have mercy on him) is the Shaykh’s recommendation.
• One should try to spend as much time as possible in the Masjid with the niyyah (intention) of i’tikaaf (seclusion).
• One should spend more moments in silence, meditation, reflection and try more consciously to engage in tasbeeh and dhikr (remembrance of Allah).
• One should look at one’s timings, ability and other considerations and plan accordingly.
• Ramadhan is the month of mujaahadah (striving) and our greatest mujaahadah would be to overcome the laziness and lack of motivation of the nafs in reciting the Qur’an.
Pearls of Wisdom
• Part of the cure to the diseases of the heart is to realise their dangers and how they manifest themselves in a person.
• If a person does not work on purifying his inner, his external actions of ibaadat (worship) will be lifeless and hollow and such actions will fail to achieve what they are supposed to achieve. For example if a person fails to remove pride and arrogance from his heart,even in sajdah (prostration) he will be arrogant which will defeat the purpose of sajdah in the first place.
• By remembering death often, a person can remove love of the dunya (worldly life) from his heart.
• Rivalry in dunya is a major distraction. For example, a person may long for something another has such as wealth but this may lead to his destruction.
• Hub-e-Jaah (love of name,fame and recognition) is normally the last thing that leaves a person’s heart even though the other spiritual ailments like love of wealth and dunya may have been removed.
• Ishraafun Nafs (longing of the nafs for something wordly; whether it is big or small) is something which must be eradicated from the heart .
• Repeatedly opposing the the nafs suppresses the natural illnesses. For example, if a person feels angry, he should remain calm,silent and forbearing. If a person feels miserly, he should spend openly.
• The heart cannot reach Allah if it is engrossed in desires and passions. One must annihilate the nafs and passions because these are obstacles to spiritual purification and they cause problems to oneself and others.
• Love of the akhirah and the dunya cannot co-exist in the same heart; the same applies with pride and imaan.
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