Alleged contradiction in Hadiths about Dajjal
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05-22-2012, 01:08 PM
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Alleged contradiction in Hadiths about Dajjal
As-salamu alaykum.
I came across the following two Hadiths about the Dajjal that appear to contradict one another. I was hoping someone on this forum could help me sort this out. Below are the two Hadiths in question.
Ibn Umar reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him). made a mention of Dajjil in the presence of the people and said: Allah is not one-eyed and behold that Dajjal is blind of the right eye and his eye would be like a floating grape.
Sahih Muslim 41:7005
Hudhalfa reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Dajjal is blind of left eye with thick hair and there would be a garden and fire with him and his fire would be a garden and his garden would be fire.
Sahih Muslim 41:7010
JazakAllah Khayran for all of your help.
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