the need for a 'Muslim' media corporation - but how?
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07-13-2012, 04:51 AM
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Oct 2005
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Al Jazeera is a good channel for now... I know its not perfect..but its way better than having nothing.
Muslims must start a media corporate that is
in its outlook. No nobody will take "Muslim Channel of Muslims" too seriously. Suppose if BBC's name was "Christian Broadcast of Church of England" or something like that...who would have taken it seriously? So Muslims must start global media campaign with 'secular' outlook so other people will be interested in it ...
Internet is another free medium...Where are the great Saudi filthy rich "Princes" ? Why don't they invest in media sector? Muslims must create teams for internet..that will respond to the lies of kuffr..but here again..we must maintain a 'secular' outlook so we can be credible...
Listen to this man ... He is a friend of Muslims...A great guy from America that criticizes its government actions to the max...
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