Lets finish 60 Qurans in Ramadhan
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07-14-2012, 06:29 AM
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Oct 2005
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Just as a reminder :
It is reported that
[b. Yazîd Al-Nakha’î] used to complete the recitation of the Quran in Ramadan every two nights; sleeping between al-maghrib and al-‘ishâ. Outside of Ramadân, he used to complete a recitation every six nights.
Abû Nu’aym, Hilyatu Al-Awliyâ` 1:250.
It is related from Al-Rabî’ b. Sulaymân, “Muhammad b. Idrîs
used to complete reciting the Quran in the month of Ramadan sixty times, all in the prayer.”
Ibid. 4:107
It is reported that Abul-Ash-hab said, “
Abû Al-Rajâ`
[Al-Atârudî] would complete with us a recitation of the Quran in the night prayers of Ramadan every ten days.”
Ibid. 1:348
It is reported that
used to complete a recitation of the Quran once every seven nights, and when Ramadan came, once every three nights. During the last ten nights, he would complete a recitation every night.
Ibid. 1:364
It is reported that
used to complete a recitation [of the Quran] once a day in Ramadan, and would pray after Tarâwîh every night, completing another recitation every three nights.
Al-Dhahabî, Siyar A’lâm Al-Nubalâ` 12:439
After mentioning some similar examples from the Salaf, Ibn Rajab says in Latâ`if Al-Ma’ârif p319:
The prohibition of reciting the Quran in less than three days [found in some ahadith] refers to doing so regularly [throughout the year].
As for virtuous times
, like Ramadan – especially the nights in which it is hoped Laylatu Al-Qadr will occur – or virtuous places, like Makkah – for those who enter it and are not residents there, then
it is recommended to increase in reciting the Quran, making the most of the time and the place
. This is the position of [Imam] Ahmad, Ishâq [ibn Râhûyah] and other Imams, and the practice of others [from the Salaf] indicates [they held the same position].
Allah have mercy upon them all.
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