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Old 07-15-2012, 10:50 PM   #38

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It is indeed possible to complete quran 60 times. And there are some buzurg who are still alive who can reach this mark.

There was a buzurg who recited quran during tawaaf, during one tawaaf would complete the whole quran.

This is a blessing of time. People still think how did Moulana Yunus Patel (ra) managed so many letters e.t.c or even today, it is true (sometimes) wherever Haji Abdul Wahab (db) visit for bayan or for tableeghi purpose, he would be there already, whilst others would come the next day, now how can we think of a person who is on a wheelchair could do this. Its just a blessing of time. Allah (swt) gives this to whoever he wants.

Lets make dua that Allah (swt) allow us to finish 60 khatam of the quran, and grant this blessing of time. Ameen.
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