"Between 1976 and 2006, Saudi developmental aid amounted to US$49 billion[1], second only to the United States of America. The ODA/GNP ratio averaged 4.2% over this period, well above the highest amount provided by Development Assistance Committee countries (the DAC average is 0.35%).[2] On a per-capita basis, the country is the biggest worldwide donator though the aid has only been given to Muslim countries.[1]" As we know, american idea of "aid" includes giving food to yemen and then threatening to take it away again if they dont comply with american requests, and giving 1.5billion dollars in military "aid" to husni mubarak. So one could be forgiven for concluding that saudi arabia is the most generous country on the planet. So rather than complaining about saudi arabia, take a look at your own countries, and your own selves, and do what you can for the ummah before pointing fingers at others. Muslims in the UK fill up the brothels, cinemas, bookies and nightclubs, so before we point fingers at muslims on the other side of the planet, let us look a little closer to home and ask ourselves what WE are doing for the ummah inshAllah.