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Old 01-29-2010, 03:04 PM   #7

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Yes, even if we wanna consider the "how it's produced" (and here we could agree that the process is automatical and not an "artistic attempt") as did by Sidi Usama2, there is also another aspect, that of the final result we get in our hands.

So, there isn't just the aspect of "creating an image" (about which I may even agree with Sidi Usama2), but there is also the aspect of the result of the print, which is an image, and so I can easily see the reasons of its prohibition.

Different issue for digital photography, as you have mentioned.

Assalamu aliakum,

People always say picture is a reflection. They get this misconception because of a fatwa by Shaykh Muhammad Bakhit al-Muti'i of Egypt as referred to by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam here:

He was from the early 1900s and we have to understand what photoraphy was then to undrestand what he is saying. At his time photoraphs were created as direct result of sunlight reflecting off objects and falling on a photogrpahic film. Mufti Taqi Usmani will be against this photography as well but I can see why he is saying it is a reflection. You can read more about early photography easily on Wikipedia.

But in current times most of the pictures in books, newspapers, and flyers are printed by ink and printer/cartridge just like a brush would paint by brush and paint. It is not a reflectoion. I have no idea how ulema claim reflection for printed material. Printed material have nothing to do with even what Shaykh Muhammad Bakhit al-Muti'i was talking about.
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