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Old 07-25-2012, 06:46 AM   #4

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Sorry I can't help regarding your question, but I was just curious after reading your post.

I know this sounds really stupid, but does/can dhikr have that kind of effect? I ask because I don't have a shaykh, but I have been thinking about getting advice on how to do dhikr effectively without getting into a tariqah etc. I just feel at the moment that all my ibaadah (salah, dhikr,salawat, istighfar, qur'an) are devoid of any impact, because I don't have focus, prescence of heart etc. and it feels like I'm just going through the motions. So any recommendations in that regard will be much appreciated.

1) Example of Effect of Zikr...

I dont remember the source of the incident.. so im quoting from Bro Abu Aliya's post..( Mureed of Hazrat Shaikh Asif Hussain Farooqi sb db)

" My shaykh once stated, Shaykh Abul Hassan Khurqani rahmtullah alayhi was once talking about the virtues of making dhikr of the name of 'Allah'. In his majlis was Ibn Sina - the physician, who interupted the talk and questioned him by saying, "How can just by saying 'Allah, Allah' have an effect?"

Hadhrat Abul Hassan Khurqani rahmtullah alayhi said, "Silence! You Donkey!"

Ibn Sina's face became red, his nostrils flared with anger and he began to sweat profusely.

Hadhrat Abul Hassan Khurqani rahmtullah alayhi then said, "What's wrong? See for yourself, what the word 'donkey' has done to you. Just imagine the effects of the blessed word 'Allah' would do to you."

2) The second part of ur question..

A house when kept locked away for a long time.. with windows open.. shall gradually begin to gather dust.. then with passing of time cobwebs begin to spin .. then insects that were hidden in crevices begin to crawl about freely.. then over a time pigeons make nest so do other animals find their way in.. then years roll by and creepers begin to grow on the walls gradually setting the pace for its ruin...

this is exactly what goes on in a heart that is devoid of the remembrance of Allah .. his ghair finds way through the many open windows.. dust blows in through his eyes when they are cast at ghair Mahram.. so does the filth of haram food that gushes forth through the arteries.. and the insects of haram thoughts gather within either through ears by listening to music.. or through other senses..

now this heart is just like the house above.. dark and in ruins..

so to repair the house we have to unlock it first and switch on the lights to asses the damage..

This is very much possible in salah.. and it acts like a halogen bulb.. the moment u fold hands on Takbir.. the inner bulb switches on by itself.. and whatever was stuffed inside shall appear in front as thoughts.. the sins a person would so fondly engage in shall stand rt there before him.. and may Allah save us all a million times.. it would be the same condition before death.. witholding the kalima tayyiba.. unless the person repents..

The death of a person many a times testifies the life he lived..

and thats the reason we see these blessed people dying so in sujood.. while reading Qur'an.. doing zikr.. while fighting in the way of Allah .. thier faces tell the condition of their hearts before death..

so dear bro.. the crux of the matter is always the heart.. as in the famous Hadith of our beloved Prophet .. so its a serious affair bro.. and yes it shall be cleaned by the rememberance of Allah .. and fortified by a life on sunnah.. but for that reason a heart specialist is required.. and that is the Shaikh..

there is never a hurry for bayat as Islahi Ta'alluq could be kept even without initiation in a tareeqa.. just find someone who is strict on kitab and sunnah.. repent seriously .. and there u go..


wa assalam..
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