Excuse the bad English and possible misleading thread title. What I meant is since you and the other sf members are connected to the Masha'ikh, do you, or anyone else know what these Masha'ikh recommend for the above problem. Not necessarily that you all from the Masha'ikh, even though that's up for debate. 1. No 2. 100x morning and evening Subahanallah, Alhamdulillah, Laa ilaaha illallah, Allahu akbar, istighfar, salat alan Nabi. Momin ka Hathiyar (a Du'a book by M. Yunus Palanpuri ) mostly in the mornings. The Two priceless treasures wazifahs by Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood after the fard salah. Around 10 juzz in or outside salah. More or less. Problem is I have a schedule for Ramadhan and if I get sick (maybe as a result of of my head getting hot), I won't reach my goal and I'll miss out on A'mal