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Old 07-25-2012, 04:18 PM   #13

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Oct 2005
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Assalam o Alaikum.

This is an excellant way of explaining this , jazakallah khair hazrat.

Is it not better to stick to masnoon aamal only when one is noy bayat to some one? yes one can increase darood shareef as much as possible.

Yes ur absolutely right in saying that.. this foolish fellow once many years back when he began reading books of Tasawwuf started some ashghal by himself.. such that i began to experience some extraordinary stuff.. ( which i may not disclose).. then i learnt of a prominent shaikh at my town and approached him for bayat..

upon hearing me the first advice he gave was to stop all these ashghal at once.. and stick to masnoon amal.. also he did not accept bayat from me ( i still dont know why) and said that islah is important and bayat can come later..

so this islahi Ta'alluq continued for about 15 yrs summa Alhamdulillah.. without any bayat.. till i did bayat to my current shaikh just 4 yrs back.. the name of this Shaikh of Islahi Ta'alluq is Hazrat Dr. Ali sahab Malpa db( Khalifa of both Hazrat Maulana Shah Wasiullah sahab Ilahabadi and Hazrat Maulana Shah Abrar ul Haq sahab hardoi )..

i would press him at times when over the years i grew very close to him to give me some azkar and asghal.. he would simply say do patients demand any particular medicine at a doctors clinic or they remain quite and adhere to his advice..

so yess.. our Mashaikh do not feed Biryani of Azkar and Asghal to a child.. as he obviously deserves milk.. just like cleaning the house first in the above example is primary.. polishing and decoration comes in much later..

and in words of my beloved grand shaikh Hazrat Shaikhul Hadees Maulana Zakariyya sahab who once replied to someone in a maktoob that Hidda (zeal) is good and puts a person on the right track..whereas Shidda (extremity) is harmful.. and yes abundance of Durood and istighfar is always beneficial to all..

jazakallah khair..


wa assalam..
Zdfjpbth is offline


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