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Old 07-26-2012, 07:39 AM   #16

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just curious though, what kind of heat are you experiencing when combining the a'mal in ramadhan ?

I am not an expert on adzkar, hence I am not the right person to advise.

However, I do know that the 300 tasbeehaat (4 kalimahs, darood, istighfaar) are being prescribed by tablighi mashaikh to be made in the morning and evening. And this tasbeehaat is for general people. In malaysia we call it dzikir awwaami (ie general dzikir for public). It is a balanced dzikir and not too taxing/burden for the public/layman muslim.

I do not know anything about the Momin ka Hathiyar and the other wazaif that you do.

I guess Im not of much help here.

wallaahu a'lam
It felt like my brain was being cooked lol, then turned into a headache. Today was much better. I dropped the extra waza'if and stuck with 300 tasbihat + extra durood and istighfar and I feel like my brain is in a breeze.

Momin ka Hathiyar is a du'a book (by Maulana Muhammad Yunus Palanpuri, son of Maulana Umar Palanpuri ). It a compilation of mostly masnun adhkar along with waza'if for morning and evening. It's a great book. Very Ruhani.

Two Priceless Treasures is a set mostly Ayat of Qur'an used as a wazifah.

Even with those regular tasbihat, once you get used it, you feel it if you don't do it for a day or so.
zzbust is offline


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