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Old 07-26-2012, 12:36 PM   #18

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Oct 2005
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Is the heat felt the whole body or just in the head area? If just the head, which area? ie frontal, left / right or back brain's lobe.
Does it start to occur when you are reciting some particular wazifah? if so, which particular wazifah is it ?s
Does it occur in the morning or evening of your dzikir time or during both times ?
Is it because of your imamah too tight ?
Sorry for asking a lot of questions. You case just intrigue me... 8^)

Alhamdulillah seems that extra darood and istighfar have a +ve effect.
May ALLAH always protect and showers you with HIS bountiful blessings.

nb: maybe you can try some ruqyah for headache too... see
I felt it in my head only, mostly on the top. Started whenever I began to recite Qur'an. When I dropped those two waza'if, it cooled down. I felt like that whether I read in a loud voice or whispered my tilawah.

Then again, this sakinah feeling could have been increased because of ziyarah. A Saudi Jama'ah is in my halaqah and going for jawlah with them today made me feel really cool and collected. Allahu A'lam.

The reason I asked for you in this thread was because of what you posted in the other thread.

Ya akhi we're all fully immersed in the ni'am of Allah and we don't even realize it. May Allah forgive our ghaflah.
sbrpkkl is offline


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