What is Knowledge (epistemology)?
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07-10-2012, 01:11 AM
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Oct 2005
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( I have omitted pages 10 – 13 which contained a short biography on
Hazrat Maulana Shah Ismail shaheed Sahab
Pages:14 – 15.
Glory be to Him who is veiled by the attribute of His appearance and is concealed by the curtain of his light. He is unique in respect of Being (wujud) and eternity. He originated the things from non-existence, created the heavens and the earths and administered all the worlds between them.
He put on the mantle of greatness and pride and enshrouded himself in the garment of power and exaltation. He made every existing thing to glorify him. The beauty of His Essence (wajh) shone out in the mirror of Being. By the perfection of His attributes, He is independent of the praises of the praisers, and by the dignity of His person (Dhat), is far above the description of the describers.
The deep thoughts are burnt by the Majesty of His Essence (wajh) and the hard speculations are vanished under the dominion of His Eminence. None is His co-partner in the attribute of Being and None is His co-sharer in the state of establishment (Thubut).
The most eloquent failed to cover the fields of His attributes and the master grammarians went astray in traversing the extensive regions of His person.
By vastness of His person he transcends both space (Ihtat) and limitedness (Taqyid). He is more near to us than our jugular vein.
Exalted art Thou in Thy person and blest art Thou in Thy names and attributes.
Thou appeared on the Throne (Arsh) and the Tur Mountain and veiled Thyself in darkness and light. Thou art not disobeyed but by Thy knowledge and Thou art not obeyed but by Thy permission.
Thou art absolutely independent of the aid of assistants, and helpers in the origination of the creation and art not in need of any consultation of the ministers and associates in the execution of Thy orders.
I beg Thee to bless Thy great name, the perfect light and Thy most honored beloved, through whom the worlds brightened and the humanity gloried in, a means for travelers (salikin) and a rest for the seekers (Talibin) Muhammed
and his family all of them.
And bless Thy other servants who are like the suns rising on the speheres of prophecy, Thy full moons shining on the horizons of wisdom. Thy stars spreading rays on the pivots of saint-ship and Thy lights flashing on the marks of guidance.
Also bless them who founded the right path by their lights and followed the footsteps of those of them who were happy (Ahl-i-sadaat) and those who had attained the state of certainty , right up to the Day of Judgement , By the mercy count us from them and bless with them. Oh ! art Thou most Merciful One !
..shall continue tomorrow
wa assalam..
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